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Friday, November 8, 2013

Manage multiple Twitter accounts in Google Chrome

I'm not what you would call a heavy Twitter user, but I do have two accounts I like to check daily. And doing that in my browser is quite the hassle, as it means signing out of one account, signing into the other, and on and on. If I had three, four, or even more accounts, it would really be a nightmare. 

There are lots of social-network managers out there, but all I really need is a simple way to hop between my two handles. And I found that in QuickTweet, a Chrome extension for managing multiple Twitter accounts.

Once installed, you perform a one-time setup, entering your Twitter usernames and passwords for up to 10 accounts.

With that done, just click the QuickTweet icon (which gets automatically added to your Chrome address bar), the choose the account you want to access.

What happens next may seem a little weird at first. If you were previously signed into a different account, you'll see that appear, then the generic Twitter home page, then the sign-in page, and finally the account you clicked. In other words, the extension loads Twitter, signs you out, and then signs you into the selected account.

It's a little clunky, yes, but it works, and it does eliminate the usual hassles of manually signing out of and into various Twitter feeds. And if you need to log into a Twitter account via another site, QuickTweet will help you there as well with auto-login options.

This works great for me, but have you found another Twitter account manager you like better? Tell me about it in the comments


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Create a auto reply email in Gmail

With previous post  I teach you How to insert signature to email in gmail. So with this tutorial I am going to teach you, how to create a auto reply email email. That means we can send email without login to gmail.
Simply this is the method,
when some one send email to us if we have created auto reply email then gmail system automatically send him or her to that email.
If we couldn't login to gmail for some period (if busy or any private matter) we can use this system. Also we can set period to send this email. when we wont to stop it easily we can disable that!!

here is the video I have created...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Insert your own signature to Gmail

Here I come with another wonderful tutorial with video.. this one is gmail tutorial. Earlie also I gave a tutorial for How to re enablesending sms using gmail

Now I am try to tell you how to insert signature to gmail. With previous post I teach you How to create signature brush with Photoshop 

Yousing this method you can add some image link or text to your every email. This is good method for promote somethings specially blog web or your own business.  

 Firstly to do this you should have a gmail acount.. :D

Then login to gmail and do the steps as video I have provided..

Monday, October 28, 2013

Don’t Waste Time! Here's a Quick Way and Crucial Tactics for Search Google Better...

Google has become a very popular search engine used by internet users. You can find instant information that you need to use Google search but there are some tips and tricks that you may not know that could help improve the quality of your search result. Google has many useful features and understanding how to work your way on them will give you better and quick results for your search.


Faviconize your Google search

Searching in Google could provide you a lot of results for your search. It may be too time consuming checking each text link and texts that could offer you the information that you are looking for but you can cut down the process of sorting through the links  by using Favocinize Google where it will show small icons on every search result to immediately know which website the link is from. In order to make the favorite icon appear on your page, you need to download the favicon as a favicon.ico file and save it to your webserver directory.

Use the autopagerize script

If you need to look for more search results it can be a hassle to click on the “next page” tab in order to see numerous results. Using the autopagerize script for Google search will allow you to enjoy an infinite scrolling experience for search results without the hassle of clicking on the next tab. You can simply download autopagerize as an add on extension for Chrome.

Use Google cache

There are moments when you try to click on a result that you previously visited and you can no longer access the web page, it is possible that the site may be down temporarily but you can still access it using the Google Cache by clicking on the instant preview button to view the page again. This will give you the ability to retrieve back an information you previously found on a site during your search that is no longer available. To use the Google cache for search, hover the mouse over the previous search result and there will appear a double arrow sign that will show a preview of the cached version of the search result that you made earlier.

Eliminate Spam on your search

Not all Google users are familiar with the Block function available when using the Google search. Search results may include spammed contents and Google can identify them and offers protection to its users. Whenever you visit a site that is not useful and when you hit the back button, Google will show a link that allows you to choose to block the site in order to remove them from your search result. Therefore you can filter the quality of your search result by selecting only quality sites to appear from your search. You can simply download the Personal Blocklist extension for Chrome in order to start blocking domains and websites that you don’t want to appear in your search in Chrome.

Tricks to find similar and comparison terms

A unique trick in searching for similar and comparison terms in Google searches is to use “better than” for comparing terms or keywords and using “reminds me of” for similar terms. Google will give you more alternative results in whatever you are searching for. Another way to search for similar or related terms and documents will be to use ~ before the word you are searching for. For instance, you want to search for nutrition, then you can type ~nutrition and related search results will also appear to include health, foods for instance that are related to your search.

Turn off Google Search annoying features

Google has a new personalized result that could be annoying to some of its users. The good news is that there are ways that you can turn them off. Its feature Search Plus Your World may be turned off from the setting of your browser. Once you have signed up for the Google + and Picasa sharing you will start receiving personalized results from your search which will be indicated by the blue globes icon located at the upper right of a web page. Simply look for the Search Settings located at the upper right of the browser, click on it and then click the option “do not use personal results”  under the personal result tab.

Find your search term

There is a quick way of finding your search term from the web page that appears on your search by using the Ctrl+F in order to search for them within the page. You can also install the Google Quick Scroll in Chrome and it could highlight the search term within the page results.

Use Google search shortcuts

There are Google search shortcuts that could simplify your search method and obtain better and specific results. These tips and tricks are good shortcuts that will help get optimized results. To search for release dates of movies or games, type (name of the movie or game) (release date); to search for the current movie showtimes, type (name of movie) (zip code) to get search results from the theaters in your local area; and to get factual information such as statistics, dates or population just type (name of the person searched) (date of birth) or (name of mountain) (elevation) according to the applicable terms for your search.

Using Google search for mathematical solving

It may not be a common knowledge among Google users that they could use the Google search for mathematical equations. Simply type the numerical equation like 25+10 and hit search and you will find the solution to your mathematical problem. You can also use Google search as a scientific calculator such as finding the square root of 10 by typing sqrt (10).

The trick of using quotation marks in your search

If you want to find results in the exact word you are searching for, enclosing the keyword or phrase that you are searching for inside a quotation mark will do the trick in delivering your specific keyword search. The search result will exclude other related searches and will only provide you the exact match for your keyword search. Thus, if you want to obtain an exact search result for the word “Guest Posting Service” it will exclude other related searches like guest posting sites as it will filter the result to be exact only as the one you are searching for. Thus when making a search enclose the word you are searching for inside a quotation mark from the search bar and then hit the search tab to display specific results.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here Is The Your Blog Inspiration!

Sooner or later, every blogger finds it difficult to write new interesting and informative posts. We all need some inspiration, and the main thing is to find a source of this inspiration to make your future post really good and attractive to readers. It won’t be difficult for your blog’s visitors to understand a mood you wrote an article with. The reasons of your inspiration lack can be different: you are tired or depressed, you have some problems with family or health etc. Inspiration is difficult to get from nowhere, but some tips concerning how and where you can find your muse can be found anywhere. 

Your own blog 
Read your previous posts statistic, learn which of them were more interesting for your readers, and which of them were more popular as a result. It means that such topics don’t leave people indifferent, so, they wouldn’t mind reading something like this again. Your old posts can inspire you to give your readers much information on this topic.

Your readers’ comments!

There is nothing worse for a blogger than a situation when his posts remain with no comments at all. So, if your visitors comment on your posts, don’t ignore them. Very often, they ask questions that can be a good topic for your future articles.

It’s also useful to leave comments on other blogs which niche is the same with yours. Their discussions can bring you some good ideas for your own blog.

Your quiz!

 Ask your readers about what they would want to read about at your blog. People like answering different questions, quiz, questionnaires and so ones. It can give you new ideas on what to write next. Moreover, quiz can demonstrate your visitors, that this blog is active and popular, that you work on it, and you are interested in your readers’ opinion.
Your friends’ blogs!

Use their inspiration, and subscribe to blogs of the same niche with yours. Actually, it’s not necessarily to use your friends’ blogs only. Any blog of the same topic, that you can find on the Internet, will be fine.


 Keep your eye on the ball! Always read news of the field you write about. If your blog is about innovative technologies or concept gadgets, it will be great to give reviews of the latest devices for example. That’s exactly what your readers wait to find at your blog when they visit it.

Your previous posts!

Read your previously published articles and check the information given. Maybe some facts have changed since the last time you mentioned them, so you can use them to refresh your old posts or write a new one if needed.


 Different thematic forums can be the perfect place to find inspiration! Usually, readers discuss the most interesting topics there, and they can become a good source of your inspiration. You’ll definitely come up with some ideas after reading some forums on the topic you are interested in.


 Read your friends’ tweets, retweet the most interesting ones. They can really help you find inspiration for writing.

Guest posts!

Find a blogger who writes on the same topic with you and ask him to write a guest post for your blog. Besides the new idea, you’ll get new readers this blogger will bring with him.


You can take part in some contests or organize them yourself. Its results will serve as a good material for a new article, or even a couple of them.

 Get your inspiration from everywhere! Very often it appears suddenly, when you don’t even wait for it. So, the main point here is not to miss it when it comes!

Source; Your Blog Inspiration Is Here!