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Friday, April 18, 2014

Are you over 18 but can't view age-restricted videos in the YouTube iOS app?

Hey everyone,

In order to view age-restricted videos, it’s a good idea to verify your age associated with your Google account. You can follow these steps to check your birthday:

  1. Sign into Google+ on the desktop.
  2. In the left nav bar, hover over Home and click Profile.
  3. At the top, click the About tab.
  4. Click Edit in the Basic Information section.
  5. Verify your birthday and update if necessary.
  6. Click Save.

Once you verify your age, sign out of the YouTube iOS app and sign back in. You should now be able to watch age-restricted videos. If your birthday is listed as over 18 years of age on your profile, please check back in a few days (The team is aware of this issue and looking into solutions).

This does not impact accounts belonging to users who have told us they are minors. Learn more about age requirements on Google's accounts.


Easy Steps For Making HDR Image

Hello friends..... after long time of period I am back in here. Today I'm going to present the Photoshop tutorial with video..

Easy Steps For Making HDR Image

1 Open Photoshop and open image you want to make HDR

3 Then make 3 copy of that image using Ctrl+J

4 Hide the layer1 copy and select layer1

Then do the following steps....

5 Now pres Ctrl+Shift+U image will Desaturated

6 Then press Ctrl+I for the inverse

7 Then goto Filter>Bular>Gaussian Bular and adaust the radious

8 Then seleset blending mode for the layer as Overaly

9 Now select the layer1 coppy and make as visibale it

10 Select blending mode as Overaly

11 Then go Filter >> Other>> High Pass and select suitable radious

12 Now finshed the edditing if you want you can reduse the opticaly of layer1 coppy

Thank you for being with us!!!