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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to Reduce Video File Sizes By over 80% without losing Quality

Here is the easy way to reduce the video size using Freemake software watch the video and leave your comment here.

Download Freemake Converter
 Download Freemake Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter Gold Serials

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Autopost YouTube Videos to Blogger

There are many easy ways to post your YouTube videos to Blogger using third party tools/websites such as, however the method I explain here relies solely on Google products (YouTube, Feed Burner and Blogger).

This is the link for your rss feed:

Potential Problems:

    Updates can take up 48 hours to happen but not longer(This is the worst case scenario) because:
        Feedburner emails are only sent once every 24 hours(The time of day that emails are sent can be chosen by you)
        YouTube API extracts your uploads through its search mechanism which lags behind the uploads of users, hence the extra delay in this part as well
    The unsubscribe link is displayed at the bottom of the blog post so anyone of your blog readers can stop this from happening on the next occasion.
    The emails that are sent to Blogger create ugly blog posts which look a bit spammy, although you can modify the email content to some extent through Feedburner

Saturday, May 3, 2014

AdSense Account Disabled for Invalid Activity - What should you do?

Disclaimer: this is not official advice from AdSense or YouTube, but is based on my understanding of how the system works.

If you have received a notification from AdSense that your account has been disabled because of "invalid activity", then here is what you need to keep in mind:

• Before you do anything else, carefully read and understand the information AdSense provides to publishers:

Can my account be reinstated after being disabled for invalid click activity?

• If your AdSense account is disabled, your YouTube monetization and Partnership will be disabled as well. 

"If your AdSense account has been disabled for invalid click activity or other reasons, you cannot participate in YouTube’s monetization programs."

That means you cannot link a different AdSense account to your channel to restore monetization.

Your only option to get your disabled AdSense account restored on appeal.

• AdSense only promises to look at the first appeal you submit, so you should not rush to submit an appeal.  

For an appeal to be successful, it needs to demonstrate that you understand the source of the invalid activity on your ads, and that you have plans in place to prevent invalid activity from occurring again in the future. That means you need to do a careful analysis of all the data about your traffic and ads you have, both in saved reports from your AdSense account and in your YouTube Analytics.

Hopefully you have been actively monitoring the activity on your ads in your AdSense account.

You can learn more about the data in YouTube Analytics here:

• AdSense will not provide you any details about the invalid activity on your account.  

The appeal form is not a way to ask AdSense for more information.  Since you only are guaranteed one chance at appeal, don't waste it asking for information you won't be provided.

• Invalid activity does not only refer to clicks you made on your ads yourself. It includes any activity on the ads that is not initiated by genuine interest in the ad. That means invalid activity can include:

 - clicks on the ads by your family, friends or fans trying to "help" you out
 - encouraging clicks by drawing attention to the ads
 - artificial inflation of impressions on your ads by purchasing traffic or views on your videos, or by joining a traffic exchange or view exchange
 - watching the preroll ads on your own videos

An appeal that merely says "I did not click the ads" is unlikely to be successful. You need to determine what the source of invalid activity may have been.

• The invalid activity on your ads did not necessarily occur immediately prior to your AdSense account being disabled.

Keep in mind that invalid activity could have occurred weeks or months prior to your account being closed, so you need to look at all the data relating to your traffic and ad activity, not just recent data.

• If you have ads on your website or blog in addition to your videos, the invalid activity could have been generated by the ads on your website, on your videos or both.

If this is the case, you also need to review the traffic sources and activity on your site in your site's logs and stats. If you use Google Analytics, SiteMeter, StatCounter or other 3rd party analytics on your site, review that data as well.

• You are not allowed to create a new AdSense account if your original account is disabled

If you create a new AdSense account after your original account is disabled, that new account will be disabled as soon as AdSense spots the association with the originally disabled account. 

If your new account was disabled because of an old disabled account, it is extremely unlikely your account would be restored on appeal.

 Neither AdSense Support nor YouTube Partner support can help you if your AdSense account is disabled.  

You will not be provided any additional information about the invalid activity on your account, and you will not be provided any direct assistance.

Your only option is to submit a convincing appeal after researching the traffic and activity on your ads.

Since no one on this user-to-user forum has access to your account information, that means it's up to you to review and understand the data in your accounts.

So what should you do if you have more questions:

If you have questions about your monetization being disabled or linking AdSense to your YouTube account, post here in the YouTube Monetization forum:

If you have questions about how to submit an appeal to AdSense, or how to understand your AdSense reports, post in the AdSense forum:

If you have questions about how to understand your YouTube Analytics reports, post in the YouTube Partners forum:

And remember there is no hurry - better to take your time than to use up your one chance at appeal before you have gathered and analyzed all the relevant data.

Reference ; AdSense Tips: Different forms of invalid activity
                   Working better together: Protecting against invalid ... - Inside AdSense

Why is Google asking for my phone number?

On rare occasions Google may ask you to provide your phone number to regain access to your account.
Image from

I am being asked to provide a phone number to get back into my account, is this legit?

If you logged in and were taken to a special web page that asks for your phone number then yes, this is a legitimate Google site. You will need to provide a phone number in order to continue.

Why does Google ask for this?

It is an anti-spam system. Here's how it works. 

Each phone number can be used to re-activate accounts a small number of times before it won't be accepted anymore, and each Gmail account can send to a limited number of recipients every day. 

Because most people don't buy things from spammers, they need to work with lots of accounts in order to send enough email to make money. If we think an account might be being used by a spammer, we lock it until the owner provides a phone number. So, spammers need to have access to a large quantity of phone numbers to unlock all their accounts. This is very expensive for them but pretty easy for most regular people. In most cases it is expensive enough for the spammer that it becomes unprofitable for them to spam, so they give up.

I am not a spammer. Why am I being required to provide a phone number?

Your account was probably compromised and used to send spam. When we detect this we send the account to phone verification. This is to lock out the spammers until you have the opportunity to sign in to your account and change the password. We have to do this because it may be days or even weeks until you next check your mail, and it's likely spammers will try to repeatedly abuse your account during that time.

What will Google use my phone number for?

We will send you a number that you have to type into the web page. After that it won't be used for anything else. In particular it will never be used for marketing things to you.

I don't want to provide my phone number, that's personal.

You can provide any phone number that has not been "used up". It does not have to be your own. Even payphones can work.

I don't want to provide any phone number at all.

You can follow the instructions on the verification page to contact support. However it may take us some time to get to your ticket, as these cases are lower priority than people who have been genuinely locked out without any way back in. We strongly encourage you to go through the phone verification process - many people have already done it, and we keep the numbers used private.

The code never arrived.

In some parts of the world SMS is not completely reliable. If the code never arrives, try logging in again and using the phone call option instead.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Are you over 18 but can't view age-restricted videos in the YouTube iOS app?

Hey everyone,

In order to view age-restricted videos, it’s a good idea to verify your age associated with your Google account. You can follow these steps to check your birthday:

  1. Sign into Google+ on the desktop.
  2. In the left nav bar, hover over Home and click Profile.
  3. At the top, click the About tab.
  4. Click Edit in the Basic Information section.
  5. Verify your birthday and update if necessary.
  6. Click Save.

Once you verify your age, sign out of the YouTube iOS app and sign back in. You should now be able to watch age-restricted videos. If your birthday is listed as over 18 years of age on your profile, please check back in a few days (The team is aware of this issue and looking into solutions).

This does not impact accounts belonging to users who have told us they are minors. Learn more about age requirements on Google's accounts.


Easy Steps For Making HDR Image

Hello friends..... after long time of period I am back in here. Today I'm going to present the Photoshop tutorial with video..

Easy Steps For Making HDR Image

1 Open Photoshop and open image you want to make HDR

3 Then make 3 copy of that image using Ctrl+J

4 Hide the layer1 copy and select layer1

Then do the following steps....

5 Now pres Ctrl+Shift+U image will Desaturated

6 Then press Ctrl+I for the inverse

7 Then goto Filter>Bular>Gaussian Bular and adaust the radious

8 Then seleset blending mode for the layer as Overaly

9 Now select the layer1 coppy and make as visibale it

10 Select blending mode as Overaly

11 Then go Filter >> Other>> High Pass and select suitable radious

12 Now finshed the edditing if you want you can reduse the opticaly of layer1 coppy

Thank you for being with us!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Easy Way To Increase Youtube Subscribers

I have found two methods for the increase youtube subscribers.. 

Method 1

If you provide your youtube channel link any where, give it as like this link..
(only change blue color)

For an example click here 

you can see the channel like this picture..

If you have any question Click here

Method 2

We can increase subscribers using this wonderful web site click here to go to the website.
They have give the chance fore free users also, so I think easy way is this web site..

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Solving Matrix Using Calculator (Casio fx991ES PLUS)

Hi friends after very long time I’m in here, today I’m trying to teach how to solve matrix using Calculator (Casio fx991ES PLUS). I have made a video tutorial for it. You can watch it below….

Here also I included some part.

For the tutorial consider this two matrix 

First we have to change the setup to matrix mode.
Press the mode button  Then calculator will like this.

 For the matrix press the number 6 button. Then calculator display will appear like this 

Now press AC button, then press Shift button

 Now press number 4 button for the matrix

Then press number1 for give the dimension and name for the matrix.

Select the suitable dimension for your matrix

Watch the video for other steps. 
Thank you!!